Collect Contributions with Ease at In-Person Events

Raise more money faster at in-person events with your own customized app

Whether using our full PAC suite or simply raising money at conferences, fundraisers, fly-ins, and more, SparkInfluence’s custom branded app can help you raise more, faster and easier than ever before.

Leave Clunky, Outdated Processes Behind and Make it Easy to Give

You’ve spent a lot of time making sure that your audience has everything they need for your event. Don’t spend more time finagling with outdated software that doesn’t make the process easy for your attendees to give to your cause.

SparkInflunce’s custom branded in-person contributions app makes it easier than ever to welcome, track, and capture contributions from attendees. Quickly look up contributors by member ID or email address, review previous giving history and giving levels, and have them tap-to-contribute – all in just under a minute.

Even better, all data is synced in real time to your SparkInfluence database, updating contribution reports, individual giving levels, leaderboards, and more.

Review Giving History & Giving Levels

Don’t just take a donation, have a conversation with your contributors.

With SparkInfluence’s quick stakeholder lookup, you’ll have immediate access to recent contributions, lifetime contribution numbers, and any giving levels that are on the horizon.

Capture Contributions in an Instant

You’ve made it this far and your attendee is ready to give – now is the time to make taking the contribution as easy as possible.

SparkInfluence can process and capture your contribution in just a matter of seconds.

Whether your stakeholder wants to tap-to-contribute, swipe, or insert their card, our interface takes all the friction out of the process and the contribution is made in a matter of seconds. That gives the donor more time to enjoy your event, and you more time to raise more money!

Automate Your Thank You Messaging

With seamless messaging built in, you can reach out to your contributors to thank them as soon as they complete their transaction.

Even better, leverage SparkInfluence’s automated messaging platform to onboard new contributors, recognize those donors moving up to new giving levels, and more, all running in the background while you continue to concentrate on taking new contributions at the event.

Gamify Contributions with a Leaderboard

SparkInfluence’s leaderboard lets you recognize contributors in real time, whether at the event or attending virtually.

Customize the page as you see fit, adding colors, logos, video, and more. Drive additional contributions through recognition and competition by highlighting those who’ve just given.

Instant Compliance Verification

SparkInfluence’s real time data match means that PACs won’t have to worry about ineligible stakeholders donating. A quick check on lookup can let your potential contributor know that they aren’t eligible to give, and direct them to the right person to learn more.

Related Resources

If you’re interested in capturing in-person contributions, these related resources may help.

Make the most of your next in-person event. These 6 best practices will help you better engage with your audience & drive contributions.

Modernize your PAC effort with our innovative PAC platform allowing you to track, segment, file and raise money with ease.

First impressions are key. Make sure you’re welcoming new contributors and building long-lasting relationships with effective onboarding messaging